Since 1999
It all started with him. Robert Jovani Mor, our father. Well, more than that. Educator, promoter, mentor, guide…. From his passion our dream is born. From your experience, our enthusiasm. And from his talent, our science...
3 Brothers
Montsa, Robert and Sergi. So different and so same at the same time. We each have a way of being, a character and an individual talent but together we achieve balance, like the legend of the Triforce. We sustain ourselves, push ourselves and ponder ourselves. And we have realized that this balance of forces is essential and is what allows us to work, live and find happiness in bubbles.

Trained in Marketing and Sales, today he is the Commercial Director of the Winery. Like everyone, he also has to work in the fields and in the cellar, but let's say that it falls to him to make distributors, restaurants and customers fall in love with him before the cava can do it.
'When you love what you do and sell what you love is pure satisfaction'

When I worked in the hospitality sector, I was already in love with good wine and good food. For this reason, it was not difficult for him to study sommelier. She is in charge of blending and also of the entire wine tourism division.
'I love uncorking bottles and transmitting to all who visit us the magic and love that is in each of our cavas'

He studied design and creative technologies but never thought he would end up applying them to the world of cava. His functions in the winery are transversal but in addition to wine, he has another hidden passion: cooking. He has trained at Hoffman and today he delights us with gastroenological experiences.
'The design, the kitchen, the cava... always in constant change, but without creativity there is no evolution'

Until 2023
'Another way of seeing the world'
Passion is what moves us, what makes us work hard every day, what makes us want to share our cavas with the whole world. It is our way of life and we want to preserve what we love.